The competition of short and debut films for national awards "Svyataya Anna" ("Saint Anne") was established in 1993. The festival’s main objective is to form a new generation of Russian cinematographers able to work creatively and successfully within the modern market.
The annual forum of young moviemaking encompasses competitions in all categories: fiction, documentary, animation - and allows beginner cinematographers from all corners of the country and overseas to submit their films and examine the cinematic creations of their colleagues.
Today, thanks to its uniqueness, the International Competition of Student and Debut Films "Svyataya Anna" holds a prominent place in the cultural life of Russia. Traditionally, the participants are students from various movie schools – from the leading universities to independent studios and companies. These young cinematographers come from practically every region of Russia, as well as movie schools of CIS countries, Europe and America.
XXVI Open festival of student and debut films "Svyataya Anna" is to take place from 22 to 29 March, 2019.
Follow the screening schedule on the competition’s website: